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Guide to Creating Recognition Program for Delivery Staff

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Guide to Creating Recognition Program for Delivery Staff

The delivery staff in any organization acts as a conduit between the business and its customers. Hence, creating an effective employee rewards and recognition program for delivery staff to appreciate their efforts is essential.

Understanding the Profile of Delivery Staff

Delivery Person

The organization needs to understand its delivery staff better to develop an appropriate employee rewards program.

Usually, the delivery staff comprises young professionals in their early or mid-20s with basic educational qualifications.

However, despite their limited academic background, they are generally tech-savvy and are active on various mobile and social media apps.

Delivery staff are generally proficient in the use of mobile apps to keep track of their orders.

Understanding the profile of the delivery staff makes it easier to reward and recognize them correctly.

What are the Challenges of Setting up a Recognition Program for Delivery Staff?

Delivery Person

Organizations are usually unsure what would work best when setting up an employee recognition program for their delivery staff.

This is because the profile of these employees is significantly different from their white-collared counterparts.

Also, it seems unclear how their contribution to the organization’s growth and success can be measured.

However, products and services would not reach customers in time without an efficient and effective delivery team.

This would negatively impact the goodwill and credibility of the business.

Hence, recognizing their efforts and dedication ensures a great customer experience.

How to Set up a Good Recognition Program for Delivery Staff?

Given that the delivery staff’s work profile is significantly different from that of other employees, the rewards and recognition program for them should consider that.

Here are a few best practices that organizations can consider to develop an effective recognition program for their delivery staff:

Guide to Creating Recognition Program for Delivery Staff

1. Reward based on Customer Feedback

Customer Experience

Organizations can set up a system to seek customer feedback about their interaction and experience with the delivery person.

Organizations can ask customers to answer a couple of questions specific to the delivery person’s behavior and attitude and ask them to rate the experience on a fixed scale.

Organizations should set up a reward system to acknowledge members of the delivery staff who receive consistently high customer ratings and generally good feedback.

2. Recognize for Delivery Timeliness

Delivery Person

There are different challenges that the delivery staff face that can result in a delay in completing a delivery. 

This can negatively impact customer satisfaction and prospects of future business. 

Hence, an organization needs to recognize the efforts and commitment of the delivery staff members, who make it a point to deliver the products or services on time consistently, even against all odds.

Therefore. this helps promote a sense of responsibility and commitment among other delivery personnel and improves overall efficiency.

3. Acknowledge Good Behavior and Personality Traits


Most customers feel happy and satisfied when interacting with delivery personnel, who are well-groomed and well-behaved.

Receiving orders from someone with a poor dressing sense, shabby appearance, improper behavior, or poor communication skills often leaves the customers feeling agitated and disappointed.

So organizations need to promote hygiene, etiquette, and personality development among the members of their delivery staff by rewarding employees with such qualities.

4. Use a Digital Recognition Platform

HiFives Employee Rewards Platform

Since the delivery staff are young and reasonably digitally savvy, using a digital employee recognition platform should be meaningful.

The recognition platform should be integrated with the customer feedback system and the delivery tracking system. 

This would enable those delivery staff who get high customer ratings and on-time delivery to get rewarded automatically.

The platform should enable supervisors to reward and recognize staff members who display positive behavior and attitude and appreciate those who have gone the extra mile to fulfill their deliveries on time.

The platform should include gamification elements, such as awards, badges, reward points, leaderboards, and a wall of fame.

They would drive excitement and participation among the members of the delivery staff.

5. Use a Combination of Monetary and Non-Monetary Awards

Freedom of Choice

Moreover, monetary rewards might be perceived as more attractive to the delivery staff, as their base salary is lower

Cash incentives, gift cards and vouchers, gadgets, etc. should work well as rewards for programs targeted at the delivery staff.

Hence, monetary rewards can be combined with non-monetary awards perceived as valuable by the delivery staff.

These could include extra paid leave, paid time off, wearables such as badges, starscaps, etc., and even sponsored educational programs.

6. Use Social Media and Customer Apps to Announce Recognition


Interestingly, most delivery staff members are active on mobile apps and social media.

Hence, organizations should use platforms such as Facebook to acknowledge and appreciate their hard work and dedication.

This gives them social visibility among their peers and helps enhance employee engagement levels.

Additionally, organizations could share praise for their delivery personnel and their profile images on the customer apps.

This would give them further social recognition and instill a sense of pride and satisfaction.

Read about the Best Rewards and Recognition for Blue-Collared Employees


The members of the delivery staff form a key segment of the organization’s workforce. Hence, they need to be appreciated and rewarded for their performance, dedication and commitment towards the organization.

Hence, organizations should formulate effective employee rewards and recognition systems primarily targeted towards them.

Sagar Chaudhuri

Lead author: Sagar Chaudhuri, the Co-Founder and CEO of HiFives. He is an HR Tech Evangelist with over 25 years of corporate and entrepreneurship experience. In the past, Sagar has worked in leadership roles with companies such as Genpact, Infosys, and ICICI Bank. He has an engineering degree from IIT Kharagpur and an MBA from IIM Lucknow. Connect on LinkedIn

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HiFives is a global employee rewards, recognition and engagement SaaS platform that enables organizations to digitize, automate and transform their employee experience. It is used by 100+ large enterprises, small businesses and startups in manufacturing, retail, technology, financial services and media, across 25+ countries.